Why Parents Choose a Montessori Education for their Kids

Every parent wants the best possible school for their kids. And we’re very thankful there are lots of different options; (Public, Charter, Private, Homeschool, Montessori) but knowing which one is right for your child can feel overwhelming.

To help you make the right choice for your family, Providence Montessori Academy has compiled a list of what sets our school apart. (You’re welcome)

At Providence Montessori Academy, we put our students in the driver’s seat of their own education. A recent article from the American Montessori Society explains it best:

“A Montessori classroom is thoughtfully designed to offer children opportunities to develop their own capabilities, whether it is learning how to dress themselves independently, multiply a multi-digit equation, communicate their needs effectively, or problem solve with others. Each classroom is filled with developmentally appropriate activities that encourage children to interact with specific learning materials, as well as to work cooperatively with others.”

We allow our students to make decisions based on what interests them, not just the directions and agenda of a teacher.

Providence Montessori Academy doesn’t use the traditional age and grade system. “A Montessori class is composed of students whose ages typically span 3 years. Ideally, students stay with the class, and teacher, for the entire cycle, forging a stable community and meaningful bonds.” AMS. We do this grouping on purpose. Older children enjoy mentoring their younger classmates, and younger kids have role models to watch. Being in the same class with the same kids and teacher for three years helps the children feel like they really belong. And they do. 🙂

Lastly, Providence Montessori Academy encourages our students to love learning by giving them liberty to pursue their interests. Author Paula Lillard described what happened when the love of learning was taken away from education:

“Perhaps worst of all, excellent students were betraying their individuality and the development of whatever unique talents they might possess to play the “School Game”. They were functioning like computers; experts at absorbing what the teacher put forth, sorting out what she wanted back, and regurgitating it in the manner in which she most liked to receive it.”

We don’t force our students to fit into a curriculum written by an adult they’ve never met. Rather, we offer our students an environment that piques curiosity and interest by providing materials, lessons, furniture, literature, games, and toys that are designed to auto-educate the child. This approach engenders a love of learning that lasts a lifetime.

If you’d like to learn more, we invite you to experience our school with a free tour. Call us today at 801-648-7245. Providence Montessori Academy serves families from